Self Talk with Rachel Astarte
Self Talk takes a conversational look at how we can show up in the world—for the world. If you're on a journey to your true self, this is your next stop.
Self Talk with Rachel Astarte
Self Talk #113: INTERVIEW: Michael McGinnis, Author and Spiritual Revolutionary
As a change catalyst, Michael McGinnis has dedicated his life to the awakening of humanity on a global level. Through extensive self-study and first-hand experience, he has been gifted to serve as a channel for the words the world needs to hear at the most crucial moment in history. He is the author of The Essential Revolution series.
In this episode Mike and I discuss finding the gift within a victim mindset. Falling victim to turbulent times is unavoidable on some level for most of us. Mike helps us understand that we can leverage this transient way of seeing the world (and ourselves) as a path toward personal awakening.
More from Michael:
Website: https://www.michaelmcginnis.com
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@michaelmcginnisofficial?_t=8gCjR6h6aVP&_r=1
Instagram: https://instagram.com/michaelmcginnisofficial?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Revolution-Book-One/dp/B0C2S71C84/ref=monarch_sidesheet
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@michaelmcginnisofficial?si=zxD6er4dPdD3VeBd
Write Your Self Open is a revolution in self-development that blends guided meditation, journaling, and supportive group discussion led by holistic psychotherapist Rachel Astarte.
It's all the benefits of personal transformation + community-building without the constraints of talk therapy.
Join anytime. No previous meditation or writing experience necessary.
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Send it to me at rachel@selftalkpodcast.com and it may be featured on a future episode.
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"Ave Marimba"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0